Irish Joker The Emerald Aces Irish Joker


Robin Black – multi-instrumental,
mildly mental and mindlessly sentimental

Robin - His Emeraldness

Robin famously met Paul McCartney at a party many, many years ago. But how could the casual observer know what the future held for these two distinguished musicians? One would still be entertaining an adoring public well into his fifth decade, the other declining into mediocrity, plastic surgery, barely noticeable hair colouring and a very public divorce.
Robin enjoys playing the mandolin, banjo and anything else going. He has a gift for lyrics and, a natural poet, never sings the same chorus twice.
Interestingly, Robin tells anyone who will buy him a drink that Paul McCartney wasn’t actually all that good on piano. He doesn’t mean it unkindly – it’s purely observational, and no doubt, as our lawyer points out, reflects the time and circumstances, not to mention His Emeraldness’s aural shortcomings. Band members are rather less kind, pointing out that it brings to mind that well-worn phrase which combines the words pot, kettle, and, er, Black.

Colin Gamm - decibel-free 12-string guitar

Colin 12 strings

Colin realised at an early stage in his musical career that playing a 12-string guitar with only four fingers was bound to be slightly problematic, and came up with the novel idea of corrective surgery. Unfortunately the cheapest surgeon willing to undertake digital implants ran out of fingers and used toes instead, certain that Colin wouldn't notice. The first inkling of any problems came with a severe bout of athlete’s hand, together with a warning that any outbreak of foot and mouth disease could seriously affect his playing. Colin reluctantly had the procedures reversed and to this day plays as badly as he ever did.

Nigel "Fingers" Austen - accordion and squeezebox

Nigel - Fingers

Nigel was invited to join the band by Robin, essentially as a prank. This backfired horribly with the effect that within months he became accepted by the other members as a reliable shifter of equipment and a cheap round. From time to time he is invited to join in on some songs with the inevitable hilarious results. With a distinguished musical background he quickly proved himself as a hardworking and consummate smoker.

Kiff Paddon - bass guitar, backing vocals,
occasional lead vocals, takeaway pizzas and rude jokes

Kiff - Solid

Kiff has played a number of different instruments in a number of different bands since he was at school. None of them have been successful so in order to maintain this record he joined the Emerald Aces in 2004. Kiff’s musical influence is drawn mainly from the progressive rock bands of the 70’s, so it made perfect sense for him to join a band that played Irish music. Kiff still hopes to persuade his fellow band members that the Court of the Crimson King can be successfully reproduced with the meagre array of instruments at their disposal. Until then, Kiff is happy to slum it and lays down a solid back-line sound with James that underpins all things Emerald.

James Black – one-piece drummer

James - one-piece drummer

James is from the old school of heavy rock but, with time taking its inevitable toll, realised that carrying a multi-piece drum kit around was not one of those things he wanted to do. After no deliberation whatsoever he decided that lifting a Guinness glass is infinitely more appealing, and now plays with a hi-hat, snare and well-developed imagination. James has been keeping brother Robin (his Emeraldness himself, so it is) in time for the past 20 or so years, playing rock, country and whatever comes along. He agrees with Kiff: not only could the band do Court of the Crimson King without breaking into a sweat, but it would also be considerably enhanced by a 12-minute banjo lead break.

Jennie Rae - chanteuse

Jennie - chanteuse

Chanteuse, muse and band conscience; without Jennie they’d be the Emerald Knaves. Jennie brings her soft Scottish tones to the mix, rounding out the coarser Celtic elements and adding a glistening diaphanous web of mellifluous virtuosity guaranteed to melt the heart and, indeed, any long-term nasal congestion.

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